Tips and Tweaks
PC World columnist Steve Bass
writes weekly commentary on the technology products he loves, the strategies for getting the most out of them, and the gotchas that can cause computing misery.July 6th, 2005
Summer Time Wasters |
Steve Bass
Remember when you were a child and had the whole summer to goof off? Yeah, well, kids, those days are long gone. As a consolation prize, this week I've got a newsletter loaded with summer time wasters.
Read on for new "Dig This" videos, images, and Flash animations and games, all to help distract you from work for a couple of LOLs. I also dug up a handful of videos and Flash games you've seen before--and based on the number of hits, definitely enjoyed.
First, Happy Fourth
Okay, so my timing's off--but it's not as bad as the time I forgot my wife's birthday. So turn up the volume and turn on the fireworks. These fireworks are very addictive, good for easily 15 minutes.
Start at the Lady Liberty site. And here's a hint: Hitting the left mouse button repeatedly will get you quite a show.
Then move on to Frank & May's site:
And if haven't had your fill, here's some more:
Get Flashed
Flash games and animations are nifty because they play right within your browser. If you don't have a Flash player, you can get one here:
With all the hype that surrounded the release of the last "Star Wars" movie (which, IMHO, bombed), I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you about "Store Wars," alternatively titled "Obi-wan Cannoli." [Flash animation]
At first, Acno's Energizer looks like a kid's game--noisy and not very difficult. Ha! Give it a couple of levels and you'll find yourself hooked. Two hints: Turn down the volume before you click on the link below. And when you use the cursor keys, use a rat-tat-tat style--don't just hold down the keys. You'll have more control. A couple of beers could help, too.
Spend a half hour and see how well you can do with Lightning Pool. Important: If you're at work, turn down your PC's volume--otherwise you'll see everyone popping their heads above the cube walls just like prairie dogs.
I don't know what "orisinal" means, but Ferry Halim's site is loaded with cute games, about 55 of them. They're all suitable for youngsters, such as yours truly. My favorite is "Hold the Rope," in the lower left corner (goodness no, I haven't tried them all).
Your Favorites
Here are the "Dig This" items that you've clicked on the most.
You think you have a smart horse? (That's a rhetorical question; no need to answer.) Patches the horse is both entertaining and intelligent. This is on my list of top ten best animal videos. BTW, don't believe the rumor that Patches is computer-generated. [4.9MB WMV]
If you think computer geeks have too much time on their hands, take a look at what some enterprising guy did with his car to drive his neighbors into a tizzy. Fair warning, this is a big file. [15MB WMV]
Here's what you absolutely do not want to happen when you bring your notebook in for repair. [1.4MB MPG]
"It's your call. ... Hello, Captain?" An old joke turned into a very funny commercial. [2.5MB WMV]
Here's a Flash game to keep you jumping. It's easy: As the plane moves across the screen, click Jump and then Chute. Just pay attention to where the landing pad is and the strength and direction of the wind. Good luck.
And Now [Ta-Da]: New Videos
It's what you've been waiting for--the videos.
He's not guilty? Oh, please. Guilty or not, Michael Jackson does a great moon walk. Here he is in a Japanese commercial from goodness knows how many years ago (and presurgery, so you won't believe it's the same guy).
You say you got a kick out of the Jackson video? There are plenty more at Japander, a site with videos of celebrities doing Japanese commercials. They aren't shown in the U.S.--the thing is, most of these stars wish no one knew about the commercials.
Here's a funny commercial that you'll especially appreciate if you've ever had to deal with a car covered with snow. [600KB AVI]
Nope, this guy wasn't badly hurt. He fully recovered, enough so that he was interviewed. But I'll bet he's not going to skydive ever again. In fact, he may not even leave his room. [4MB WMV]
Pepsi commercials are always good, always funny, and often make me grab a can of Coke out of the fridge. [2MB MPEG]
If you like commercials, here's a stack of them, all from the Boards Screeningroom:
My favorites? The Nike and Tango Clear commercials. I also like the American Lung Association's strong (and gruesome) "How do you like the odds?" public service announcement. Not to worry--it's all done with CGI.
You may have felt compelled to send that stop-smoking commercial to a buddy. If you did, check out the equally stomach-grabbing public service video. [1.9MB]
Special Online-Only Dig These
You might have noticed that I often include some risque videos in the e-mail version of the newsletter. Right, the folks who read "Tips & Tweaks" on our Web site normally don't get to see these.
Fair warning: These videos have adult themes and/or language--which guarantees you'll want to share them with every adult you know.
Here's a funny stop-smoking message--unless you're a hamster or an animal-rights activist, that is. [2.1MB]
If you saw the Paris Hilton commercial, the one encouraging us to eat cholesterol-laden hamburgers, you might find this parody amusing. [1.7MB]
Do you remember how Ken Jennings, the contestant on "Jeopardy"? He was an all-time winner. Here's a clip with a quip from the TV show. [1.5MB WMV]
Here's an early commercial for Viagra, one I don't think they ever used. [500KB]
If you still haven't had enough, read last year's "Best Summer Time Wasters":
Now Watch This
Hey, when was the last time you forwarded my newsletter to someone? That's what I thought. Why not forward it to a bunch of your friends, your boss, and maybe your ex-spouse. Then suggest they sign up for their own copy by going to:
Steve Bass writes the "Hassle-Free PC" column in PC World's print edition and is the author of "PC Annoyances, 2nd Edition: How to Fix the Most Annoying Things About Your Personal Computer," available from O'Reilly:
Steve Bass is considering changing his e-mail address to In the meantime, reach him at: