Genealogy Bulletin Board
If you have any Genealogical questions related to Gaspe, please post them here.
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I notice that many of you could access information on your ancestors if you could: 1. go to a local Family History Centre of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where they have access to programs, books, films, microfiche of vital records plus census records, etc. Yes, you may access some of this online, but the personal service to get you started will help immensely. Many sound like beginners who would love some organizational methods. 2. go online to and access the site on the right, Family Search Website which may help showing what records are available for various provinces & states. 3. you can access canada census records directly from this website: 4. if you can afford a membership in (Canada), you can access the Drouin Church Collections of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths & burials.
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