Gaspé- Jersey Guernsey Association  On-Line

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 News Briefs from our Bulletins

Fall 2001

Winter 2001
Vauthier Family Reunion in Jersey - Gaspé Genealogies of three Jersey families: Viberts, Cass and Mabe. - Forty nine happy members with Jersey roots travelled with by Diane Sawyer. - The little Cap-aux-Os church moved from Jersey Cove, Gaspé by Mildred LeHuguet. - Bref du Mont et le Château Mont-Orgueil.-  Michel LeMoignan dies Dec. 21, at 81...

Fall 2000
Forty-nine happy member have travelled to Jersey, Guernsey and Sark, details to come. -  Un Poète Jersiais; Jean Picot 1846-1922, by Jean Roger. - Charles Robin's every life on the Coast, with permission of the Société Jersiaise. - Catholicisme dans les Iles Jersey. -        George Edison Langlois new president. 

Winter 2000
Les soeurs de Jésus et de Marie à Guernesey, par soeur Marguerite DRAINVILLE enseignante et archiviste de la congrégation. Charles Robin every day on the Coast, part II, by M. P. Syvret and Mary Billot. Edward de Gruchy, pastor of the first French Methodist Church, Montréal, by William COCHRANE. 

Fall 1999
An article on Charles Robin and his "Everyday Life on the Coast of Acadia and the Province of Québec" by Marguerite Syvret, Jersey. A Distinguished Channel Islander; James C. Dumaresq, from William (Ed.) Cochrane. And more. This édition was produced by our new éditor Charles J. Picot

Winter 1999
Les origines des Maugers Jersiais devenus Acadiens, par Florian Bernard. Madame Claudette Garnier et les Cuirs Fins de la Mer, par Gérald Brotherton. PEI's South East, Guernsey Cove since 1805, brief by Dr. Ken Annett.

Fall 1998
At Griffon Cove at the Manoir LeBoutillier, our A.G.M's invited guest Alphonse LeBoutillier great-grandson of John. Mayor Rodrigue Joncas joined us for a Vin d'Honneur offered by the City of Gaspe. Diane Sawyer President. 

Bulletin contents : Le Commis Jean Lelièvre quitte les Robin, devient catholique épouse Marie-Angélique Deveau, ont huits enfants et devient un féroce concurrent à ses anciens patrons. Article par Florian Bernard. 

Fall 1997, our President wrote:
A group of 12 members led by Diane Sawyer returned from the Channel Islands. They have established new Jersey and Guernsey friends.  
Denise Gagne, New President.

Summer 1997
Channel Islands Connection room officialy opened at  The British Heritage Center in New Richmond. President; Mrs. Joan Bisson Dow . The New Richmond mayor; Jean-Marie Jobin and Centre's Director, Todd Duguay were present and proud of the contribution. 

1997 A.G.M. Paspébiac
Conference by Betty Lemaistre covered Charles Robins years as an individual and his active years building, negociating with the indians, islanders, French and English North-Americans to obtain their fish supplies. Negociating and dealing with Government issues, and marketing the Gaspe Cured Cod. 

  Updated 2008 November,   George Edison Langlois