Passing Years

by Raymond Patterson © 2015

From the author's Introduction:

" which I have done mainly as a hobby is being presented to the public..."

"...the collection of material and putting it into its present form has been a labour of love."

"...little realizing how much work and time it would take, I commenced this chronicle."

Words that ring true again today! but it is indeed an honour & privilege, - & thanks to the tremendous number of hours Andy has spent scanning, page after page, - that we now offer online access to "Passing Years", Raymond Patterson's 1950s monumental contribution to the preservation of our Gaspe history and heritage.

Were Raymond still living he would shortly celebrate his 105th birthday; he would surely be amazed, and I like to believe thrilled, to have his work finally "presented to the public", & simply by a click!

"Passing Years" offers keyhole sketches of many facets of local history, much of it not readily available elsewhere. Please take the time to begin by reading the foreword and introduction, then have fun learning a few tid bits of Gaspe small history.

Martha Patterson Costello

Click here toview the contents of Raymond Patterson's book, "Passing Years."

The above represents only volumes 1 and 2. Volume 3 should be ready for the internet in the next few months.