IMG_3543 - Farms near Kumrovec.
IMG_3544 - Marshal Josip Broz Tito, was born in Kumrovec on May 7th, 1892 and he died May 4, 1980, thus the flowers.
IMG_3545 - Our local guide with part of her uniform of the Young Pioneers, the official Communist youth group when she was 12.
IMG_3546 - Marshal Tito's birthplace and childhood home, where he lived to 15 years of age.
IMG_3547 - Josip Broz was the seventh of 15 children. The museum demonstrates the many children's beds.
IMG_3548 - During WWII Tito led what was considered the most effective, anti-Fascist resistance movement in Europe.
IMG_3550 - After the war, with his "soft" Communism, he became a popular, lifelong president of Yugoslavia.
IMG_3552 - The Staro Selo (Old Village) Museum of Kumrovec has restored ~40 buildings to depict village life in ~1900.
IMG_3553 - Lightening is common there, so buildings with wooden and thatch roofs now often have lightning protectors.