Jason Willet:
"Success is having it all on the coast!"
Education: Jason studied social studies at St. Lawrence College and got some valuable life skills before finding what he calls "the perfect job" right here on the Coast.
Recent Employment: Jason is a Park Ranger for the
Miguasha Provincial Park.
Other Interests:
- In his spare time Jason takes advantage of the great outdoors. "I love the snow; I do lots of cross-country and alpine skiing. It's an unbelievable place to live. I've traveled quite a bit across Canada and other countries and nothing really compares.
Advantages of living here:
- "I like that it's bilingual, people are friendly, it's clean, and we still have green spaces- which means lots of places to hike and camp. Growing up here was unbelievable, and I expect to have a family some day, so this is where I want to raise my children. With its nature and scenery, the Gaspé Coast is hard to beat."