Sunny Bank, Our Ancestral Home


Elderly people have always impressed me with their memories and wisdom built upon years of experience. I can remember visiting my grandparents in Montreal and having stories told to me, especially about their life in Gaspe.

At about the age of 12 my true interest in genealogy emerged. As Paulette Eden will recall, I spent many hours sifting through the manuscript left by Raymond Patterson, her uncle. His work was never published, and according to some historians, has numerous errors, but he has won my greatest respect for the work he did during his stay in the Ross Sanatorium in the 1950’s. He spent seven years collecting all the information he could about Gaspe’s past and recording it. He was not a well-educated man, and depended on whatever facts were related to him over the telephone, and during his frequent visits to local elders. His book provided a framework for me, though I have added considerably, and made every possible effort to correct dates and verify the history of Sunny Bank with other documentation.

I would like to extend gratitude to all those who were instrumental in my research, especially Debbie, whose patience and assistance have been invaluable.

Each of the following people also made a major contribution.

Bartlett, Mrs. Fannie (Patterson)

Falle, Mrs. Emily (Patterson)

-through her diary

Miller, Mrs. Bessie (Patterson)

Miller, Mr. Alfred

Patterson, Mr. John, of Moncton

Patterson, Mrs. Paulette (Eden)

Patterson, Mr. Raymond

Phillips, Ms. Dorothy