The Holland & Mulrooney's
Collected by: Lorna Holland

A celebration of the 50th anniversary of Ambrose Mulrooney and Elizabeth Maloney, in the year 1967. It was celebrated at St. Patrick's Church Douglastown . Nine of the family of ten were present.

Left to right back row: Anita Mcdonald, June Connely, Edward Mulrooney ,Joan Blondin, William Mulrooney.
Left to right front row: Quentin Mulrooney, Elizabeth Maloney Ambrose Mulrooney,Vivian Gérard, Elizabeth Delaney, Lorna Holland.
Absent from family picture: Victor Mulrooney.

The wedding picture of William Holland and Lorna Mulrooney, In the year 1949 taken in front of the rectory after signing the register. Beside the bride is her father Ambrose Mulrooney , peeking over his left shoulder is his wife Elizabeth Maloney, to the right of the groom is his father Peter John Holland, and Elizabeth Mcdonald,the best man Damian Grant directly behind the bride.
Picture taken in 1957, four oldest children of
William and Lorna Holland
Elizabeth age 7, Thomas age 5,
twin daughters Adeline and Arlene age 2.
A photo taken in 1951 of Lorna Holland
and daughter Elizabeth age one year.
Both these photos the one on the left
and the one on the right are of the same
individual Anna Mulrooney, the photo on
left was taken by what was known as a
travelling photographer she was one year old, same lady on the right at 65.
À la douce mémoire de Charles Maloney
Époux en 1eres noces de feu
Marie Chambers
en 2emes noces de
Marie Couture,
décédé à Rivière St-Jean
le 22 mai 1958
à l'âge de 73 ans, 9 mois et 9 jours