(1882 - 1907)
parish was advantageously progressing in agriculture and fishery;
as well as increasing in population. In the month of October 1882,
Revd. Duncan Gillis was appointed P.P. of Douglastown. That
seemed the dawn of a better day. Father Gillis was born at St. Curnin
in Scotland, December 27th, 1837. Ordained a priest at Paris April
7th, 1867. He came to Rimouski at the request of Bishop Langevin
who was in need of more priests for his diocese. Father Gillis was
pastor here for 25 years. His principal work was the building of
a convent which he took great pains and obtained generous help from
the Dominion Government. The Honorable Rudolph Lemieux was representative
for the Gaspe Coast at the time and a more worthy man has never
since been replaced. That was in 1900 and now we are in 1938. The
convent in Douglastown, the building of the Breakwater, the building
of the Railroad as well as many other monuments throughout the country
and coast at large are all evidences of the many improvements under
the Lemieux membership. Father Gillis was termed in the province
of Québec, Apostle of Education.Father Gillis also obtained from
his wealthy friends abroad generous donations towards the building
of this convent. |
was completed in the summer of 1900 and blessed on August 26th.
The building is 50 feet long, 31 feet wide and has a kitchen annexed,
24 feet by 20 feet, both being two stories high and on stone foundation.
The Blessing of the convent was very solemnly presided over by the
Bishop of Rimouski. Bishop Gauthier of Kingston, Ontario was present,
also fifty priests from different parishes and more than 2000 persons
witnessed the ceremony. The sisters of the Holy Rosary, to whom
the convent is dedicated and confided, were also present at this
splendid ceremony. The classes in the convent opened on September
1st, 1900, to admit about 70 pupils. Revd. Mother Mary of Calvary
as First Superior. The first teachers were Mother Mary of Mercy,
Mother Mary of Lourdes and Mother Mary of St. Julia. At the same
time, the convent was blessed, a bell for the convent, 100 lbs,
a gift from a former pastor, Father Farfard.The bell was Christened
by the name Mary Joseph. Beloved Father Gillis lived in our midst
for 25 years. |
and loved by all as a real Father. He died on December 27th, 1907.
His remains rest peacefully under the alter of St. Patrick's Church.
A magnificent marble slab. The same dedicated by Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
Prime Minister Of Canada, and our worthy representative in the House
of Commons at Ottawa, Rudolph Lemieux. Inscribed on his tomb: "Transit
Benefaciendo" and it is true his memory is and shall be dear forever
to those who had the pleasure of knowing him. |