Personages of note in Douglastown

Father Elias Morris, son of James Morris and Agnes Rooney, who was many years P.P. at Fox River. He was a great singer and musician, a real descendant of the Irish minstrels of Erin. Father Owen Kennedy, son of Michael Kennedy and Anastasia Connick, P.P. of Cartier in Ontario.

Brother Thomas Girard, Oblate in Mission City, B.C., son of Alexander Girard and Mildred Morris.

Brother Robert Finn of the Sacred Heart Community of Athabaska, Québec, son of Patrick Finn and Beatrice White.

Brother Lester Grant, Oblate in Ottawa, son of Albert Grant and M. Maloney.

Sister Margaret Kennedy, daughter of Michael Kennedy and Mary Condon, congregation of Notre Dame, Montréal.

Sister Mary St. Bridget, Holy Rosary Convent, daughter of William Rooney and Catherine Raiel.

Sister of St. Patrick, Mary Ann, daughter of Archibald Maloney and Dora McDonald.

Sister Mary of St. Clarence and Sister Mary of St. Gabriel. (Vivian and Louisa Bond),
daughters of Thomas Bond and Nora Morris.

Sister Mary of St Eustelle (Sadia Trachey), daughter of Edward Trachey and Laura Kennedy.

Sister Mary of St. Bertha (Sybil Gaul), daughter of Malcom Gaul and Bertha Morris.

The population of our parish is 1, 199. In 1928, Father Myles established the mission of Bois Brute, having a part of the schoolhouse prepared for a chapel. Once a month, the people have a mass celebrated at their mission to have the advantage of performing the Devotion of Confession and Communion (these last lines completes from 1775 to 1928). Between 1928 and 1936, not many changes of note to record of the happening of our parish. A butter factory and a cooperative society was organized but through errors and financial failures, both were abandoned. We have an up to date road now from Montréal to Gaspé, a wonderful tourist trade, grand hotels, restaurants, opens at an early season and operates many months. Autos commence in early spring to run and continue until late autumn, in fact, some run most all winter, even on the ice. We have graders, tractors, buses and all up to date conveyance for speed and comfort. Ocean boats, revenue cutters, small sailing crafts, large passengers boats, etc. In fact, every comfort and convenience to entice sightseers by land and sea.

(Time marches on…) And has brought us to 1937 and 1938 and I come to relate a few items that has happened. We have now in our parish a new rectory - a handsome new structure, fire proof or supposed to be as it is composed of fireproof material (brick and asbestos). The building is modern, strictly up to date with the times, fitted with a hot and cold water system, an electric furnace, modern heating system and everything pertaining to comfort and labour-saving devices. But, I am sorry I cannot record here in the cost of this magnificent structure, sufficient to say, no statistics account up to date May 17th, 1938 has been given.

There has also during the past year been erected a parochial or theatrical hall, also modern and up to date; a very up to date building, also in accordance with the modern house, and since Easter Monday, April 17th, 1938, motion pictures are showing and very good, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 3 times weekly, evenings of entertainment. Of this hall, also I cannot record the cost as it is not known. So far, the $ 24 000.00 savings of the fabrique, for many years, has been expended on the labour and building of the rectory and hall. Both buildings were erected without consent and good will of some of the ratepayers, who pay the highest tax. The majority in favor were those who receive relief, or in other words, Government Toll and pay no tax. Many were in favour of building a new church of which we are much in need as our old church, the place of worship, built by the good will, zeal and voluntary labour of our forefathers, for the Glory of God, will soon be a thing of the past and will live in memory only. As the rooms of the poor old church is now falling, to use a common expression, to pieces. Far removed in every aspect to the two new buildings adjoining, the new rectory and hall. We know not so far how much those buildings have cost, or what cost may be, but I think I am safe in saying this generation and many to come shall see the debt still unpaid. The actual church wardens for 1937 and 1938 were Michael McDonald, Daisgaie Roberts and Anthony Element, re-elected for 1938.