About GoGaspe.com

Beginning in 1996 as "www.gaspelink.com," we were the combination of three Gaspesian sites, "Gaspesians Keeping in Touch," by Annetta Grant, "Ron's Gaspe Page," by Ron Patterson and "Sunny Bank, Our Ancestral Home," by Andy Patterson. Our objective was to provide visitors with links to all the information available on the Web concerning our homeland. It has grown to become Gaspe's largest and longest lasting web site, with over 200 megabytes of data.

Late in the year 2001, after Annetta moved on to university, Ron and Andy assumed the responsibility of maintaining GaspeLink. In the fall of 2002 we began translating the site to French to increase our client base, and we changed the name to GoGaspe.com. Innovative, and very popular sections like the Featured Photo, Message Boards, News Briefs, Weather information, and a History/Genealogy section added considerably to the popularity of the site. Then, with the assistance of Daniel Arsenault in 2005, we were able to add several dynamic sections, allowing our viewers to add their own content. The most popular is the Classified Ads, where almost everything listed is sold within days. To continue flowing with the tide, we added the GoGaspe Facebook page in 2014, which is well maintained by Bruce Patterson with new pictures uploaded regularly.

After almost 30 years on the web, GoGaspe.com has accumulated over 20,000 photos of the Gaspe area including scenery, wildlife, historical photos, and headstones from most local cemeteries. We have 8 interactive bulletin boards including Classified Advertising and a Community Announcements page where you can reach out to Gaspesians. All this along with an extensive collection of music by local musicians, an extensive history and genealogy section, as well as links to hundreds of local web sites. We far surpassed our original dream of 100 visitors per day, and at times had well over 2000 visitors each day. GoGaspe.com has become Gaspe's leading web site, offering the most complete coverage of Gaspe available on the web.

We'd like to extend a special thanks to all our sponsors, and those especially those who have kindly donated to our cause.

Anyone wishng to make a donation to GoGaspe can do so here.

Please send comments and suggestions.


Coordinated by
Ron Patterson
Andy Patterson

Team of volunteers:
Bruce Patterson

Others who have assisted over the years:
Daniel Arsenault
Hélène Beaulac
Lise Chartrand
Earl Coffin
Don Delisle
Ivy Miller
Morris Patterson
Bruce Patterson
Ruth Patterson
Jordan Rutty
Kevin Patterson
Gary Devouge

Thank You
to all our
regular visitors

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