Old pictures of Gaspe
Click on an image to
 Bridge 1897 |
 Gaspé 1900 |
 Gaspé 1900 |
 Main Street 1900 |
 1st Gaspé Train |
 Baker's 1910 |
 Post Office 1912 |
 Main Street 1912 |
 Gaspé 1924 |
 Cegep 1926 |
 Mill 1930 |
 Adam's 1946 |
 Gaspé 1950 |
 Baker's 1950 |
 Main Street 1950 |
 Gaspé 1954 |
 Gaspé 1970 |
Gaspe Information | My Photo Album | My Home Page | GoGaspe.com

Created and maintained by Ron Patterson, Gaspé, Québec

since March 1, 1999.