Historical Photos

Donated to GoGaspe.com © 2023

Photos in this section of GoGaspe have been collected from multiple sources. Generally, permission has been received to reproduce the photos here for the viewing pleasure of visitors to GoGaspe. Whenever possible, we have credited the person or family who provided the photo, and/or listed the source. Enjoy!

If you have old photos, or know of anyone who does, we'd love to include them here.

If any of these photos are copied and posted elsewhere, please be kind enough to give credit as follows; "Photo from GoGaspe.com, found in ___ Collection"

Select a collection of photos from the list below:

Andy Patterson Collection
Ansel Patterson Collection
Edna Cunning Collection
Garth Miller Collection
Neil Grant Collection

The following are selected pictures which have been extracted from Jeff Patterson's Wakeham-York History Page on Facebook. People are grouped by first name.

Historical Photos (page 1)
Historical Photos (page 2)
Portraits from our past (A to H)
Portraits from our past (I to Z)
Families from our past
Group Photos from our past