Aerial view of Brasset

Aerial view of Sunny Bank

Airplain crash, Wakeham 1945

Annett's Service Station

Aqueduc rue Jacques Cartier 1949

Bank of Toronto (1906)
Bank of Toronto (1910)
Boyd Jones Lumber Mill

Bridges across the York River

Bridges between Wakeham and Sunny Bank

Broomball on York Rink

Buckley's Cabins 1930

Calhoun Point, L'Anse aux Cousins

Coleman's Chicken Farm

Fire Gate, Upper Wakeham

First Bridge over the York River 1897

First Catholic School in Gaspe

First St. Andrew's Church, York

First York River Bridge

Gaspe Ferry

Gaspe Harbour circa 1901-(Haggerty)
Gaspe Train Station circa 1912

Gaspe aerial view circa 1935

Gaspe circa 1901 (Haggerty)
Gaspe, 1950's

International Paper Company

Jacques Cartier Cross, original spot

L'Anse aux Cousins

Log Drive (2)
Log Drive 2

Log Drive