Various Historical Articles about Gaspe

© 2023

Over the years many Gaspe residents have written short articles about different aspects of our past. For the benefit of our readers we have obtained permission to place some of these online. Please note that all articles are under copyright to the original author.

Chapters are in .pdf format. Punctuation, like periods and apostrophies have been removed from the file names below to accomodate internet browsing.

If you have, or know about, other articles available for publication, please recommend them to us, and we will attempt to obtain copies.

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Index for various

Blueberry Cannery by Andrew Patterson & Dorothy Phillips
Clark Settlement by Morris Patterson
Coleman Family - Our Newfoundland Connection by Andrew Patterson
Coleman, Anne-Josephine by Andrew Patterson
Drody, Mary Ellen, by Debbie Sams
Eden Family of Gaspe by Andrew Patterson
Glimpses of a Black Gaspe by Frank Mackey
Grant, William 1788-1870 by Peter Fullagar
How Americans Lost the Battle of Quebec
John McRae 1777-1839 by Peter Fullagar
Jones, William and Louisa Caroline Languedoc
Kitchen Family of Gaspe by Andrew Patterson
Kitchen, Hannah 1809-1861 by Peter Fullagar
Kitchen, Isaac 1761-1809 by Peter Fullagar
Languedoc Family by Marty Patterson
Les Noirs en Gaspesie by Frank Mackey
Lumbering in Wakeham by Lorna Miller
Margarets Account Book-Bechrevaise Family
Miller Brothers by Andrew Patterson
Paterson Stone House by Marty Patterson
Paterson, James, Master Mariner
Paterson, John Jr
Paterson, John, Pioneer of the York River by Marty Patterson
Patterson, John Edmund 1829-1907 by Peter Fullagar
Salmon Fishing on the York River by Andrew Patterson
Suddard Family of Gaspe by Andrew Patterson
Sunny Bank Flood - Graffici
Tripp Family of Gaspe

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