5 Until 1867, Douglastown formed party of the diocese of Québec. On Jan 16th, 1867, it became included with all Gaspesia in the diocese of Rimouski; whose first bishop was Mgr. John Langevin, brother of Sir Hector Langevin, one of the Fathers of the Confederation. In July 1868, Bishop Langevin came on his first visit. He confirmed 73 persons. In order to prepare for this great occasion, the Fabrique borrowed $ 100.00 to repair the buildings. It must be noted that the first forty hours took place and was established in our parish on Jan 17th, 1867 and took place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after the first Sunday in February. Father Winter left in 1869 and was replaced by Father Saucier, who remained one year. He was replaced by Father Moreau. In 1870, Bishop Langevin brought from Rome for our parish, the precious relic of St. Patrick that we keep and honour with great veneration on St. Patrick's Day.
Oh! Dear Bretheren, ought not such perils to your wives and daughters, conscience and honour more than compensate you in a fatherly way the miserable forfit for a few dollars. Do revive, we beseech you, your sentiments of faith and religion, and remember the terrible account God will ask you on the Day of Judgement, for your children's soul. Consequently, most expressively, your Pastor and all to whom you confess and get Absolution, they are bound to refuse and cannot absolve you, only such parent that would allow their young daughters to hire for those long fishing voyages. We also urge you dear brothers to prevent your daughters from working in fishing establishments held by strangers, even in your own parish. Never can you watch sufficiently over your beloved children. That you may prevent them from all occasion of spiritual damage and scandal, and show yourself obedient in His advice; given at Rimouski this 20th day of May 1872. " Gaspe village until 1874 was a part of Douglastown. This year it was detached and formed a parish of itself. On that account, the tithes of the congregation was passed (50 ¢). That same year, the Fabrique was authorized to borrow $ 1500.00 at 6% to be paid by voluntary subscription. Revd. Father Moreau went among the parishioners and collected $ 272.00. On the 5th of November 1874, was blessed the new bell, it weighed 624 lbs. It received the name of Elizabeth Bridget Ann. The bell is still on our church. The collection was $ 270.00. In 1875, took place the official annexation of Haldimand to Douglastown for the conservation of the Catholics of the town. Haldimand is about four miles north and northeast by Gaspe, east by Gaspe and southeast by St. John River. West line between York and Douglastown townships are its boundaries. In 1876, Bishop Langevin confirmed 55 persons. In 1877, Father Moreau was replaced by Father Lenord. In 1878, Father Bolduc came as P.P. There was a debt of $ 2000.00. A legal reparation was made for the $ 2500.00, is pay finishing the interior of the church. At that time was built the gallery for the organ and choir. That was the first year there was an organ in the church. Members of the Temperance Society furnished the wood. In 1880, took place the building of the barn (actual). 45 feet long by 27 feet wide and huge in proportion. On the 1st of June, the pastor invited the parishioners to purchase a wagon to be used for taking the Blessed Sacrament to sick and dying. Mr. Henry Girard These were the men appointed to go around the parish and collect $ 50.00. A four-wheeled wagon was bought. In 1881, Father Bolduc was replaced by Father FX Bossé who remained but one year. He was appointed Prefect Apostolic of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. On his return from Rimouski, he was greeted by all the people both Catholic and Protestant. The following was addressed to him by Elias Morris, Ecclisiastic of Douglastown, who was then a student at Rimouski. Later, more of him shall be mentioned. TO THE RIGHT REVD. FX BOSSÉ, PREFECT APOSTOLIC REVD. FATHER:
On the following Sunday, the Prefect Apostolic celebrated the Parochal Mass, having for Deacons, Father Bolduc, his predecessor, and for Sub-Deacon, Father Gillis. The same evening there was as grant concert given in his honour and the money realized bought a gold pastoral cross. |