History / Genealogy

Several local Gaspesians have made tremendous contributions toward preserving the history and genealogy of the Gaspe area. It is our objective, at GoGaspe, to provide access to as much of this information as possible, either by adding the information to our site, or including links to relavent pages.

Scanning, assembling and uploading material to GoGaspe requires considerable time and expense, and your donations help make the effort worthwhile. If you would like to assist, simply follow the "Donate to GoGaspe" link at the top right.

Our Gaspe Roots The online Bible of Gaspe Genealogy, created by Lani Baker Mitchel. This site contains vital information on more than 45,000 Gaspeians and their ancestors, as well as history and photographs of our heritage.
GoGaspe Genealogy Bulletin Board An interactive Bulletin Board offering our readers a chance to ask questions and contact others researching Gaspe ancestry.

RESEARCH PROJECTS hosted by GoGaspe.com
Gaspe of Yesterday by Ken Annett. 400 informative articles of hitorical interest about the entire Gaspesie. Many of these were published in the SPEC Newspaper some years ago.
Sunny Bank, Our Ancetral Home by Andrew Patterson. Originally printed in 1995, this book about the history and genealogy of Sunny Bank is now online.
Passing Years by Raymond Patterson, offers sketches of many facets of local history, much of it not readily available elsewhere
Family Gatherings by Raymond Patterson. Brief histories of the early English families who settled in and around the Gaspe Bay.
Various Historical Articles Articles by local historians delving into a different aspects of Gaspe's diverse history.
St. Matthew's Church, and other Churches around the Bay by Dorothy Phillips. A detailed account of the planning and construction of Anglican Churches in the Gaspe area.
Descendants of Richard Miller and Frances Annett by Dorothy Phillips. An in depth look at the pioneer, Richard Miller, and his descendants.
John Paterson, pioneer Web site devoted to the life of John Paterson, pioneer of the Gaspe, who settled in Sunny Bank about 1764.
Douglastown A Cultural and Historical visit to Douglastown, a amall but beautiful Gaspe village.

PHOTOS hosted by GoGaspe.com
Morris' Cemetery Photos By Morris Patterson. During a period of ten years he photographed over 11,500 headstones on the Gaspe Peninsula, and they are all here for your viewing.
Morris' Historical Photos By Morris Patterson. During a period of 10 or 15 years Morris Patterson scanned hundreds of historical photos, and they are all online for your enjoyment.
Contributed Historical Photos Collected by Andrew Patterson. This project is just beginning, so if you have an old photo collection, we can put it online.
Sunny Bank flood of 2010 A detailed explanation of how the MTQ caused the flood of 2010 and some amazing photos.

Additionally we have assembled the internet links below, which pertain to history and genealogy of the Gaspe region. If you know of any which could be added, please contact us

Two Centuries of Settlement by David J. McDougall, Concordia University. Settlement of the Gaspé Coast by English Speaking People.
Gaspesian Heritage WebMagazine Designed to serve as a guide to the Gaspé's rich heritage and history, both past and present.
Heritage Gaspé Promoting heritage conservation of the Gaspe area.
Genealogy Links By Morris Patterson. Abundant Genealogical links to assist in your research.

Universal Genealogy Sites

Cindi's List
Family Search
Obituaries Help
Québec Archives
National Archives of Canada
Local Sites

Gaspe Museum
Gaspe Cemetery Records
Rootsweb, Gaspe Bulletin Board
Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network
Quebec Family History Society
Eastern Townships Genealogy
McCord Museum
Restigouche Roots
Darlene's Genealogy Pages
Historical Photos

Andy's Photos
Morris' Photos
Ron's Photos
Bruce's Photos
Don's Gaspé Photos
Murdochville Photos
Murdochville Photos-2

Gaspe Families
These sites contain information related to Gaspe and Gasapesian families.

Baker - About Our Gaspé Roots
Bechervaise - The Bechervaise Family of Gaspe.
McColm - The McColm Family of New Richmond
Maloney - The Maloney Family of the Gaspésie
Garrett - 4408 individuals and 1292 families representing 667 surnames.
Patterson - English Families of the Gaspe Bay Area
Bay Chaleur Loyalists - Return of Loyalists to the Chaleur Bay, Quebec, 9th June, 1784
Bill Martin's Genealogy Website - Early Ontario Genealogy
The Vibert Family - Origins of the Vibert Family from Jersey
The Maloney Family of Gaspesie - Descendants of William Moloney, settled in the Gaspésie in the early 1780's.
American Loyalist Studies - Americans who remained Loyal to the British Crown during the War for Independence.
Descendants of Bertrand Chesnay dit Lagarenne - Gaspe families here.. Smith, Maloney etc.
Acadian Home - Acadian & French-Canadian Ancestral Home
Annett Family - History of the Annett Family, by Ken Annett
Maybee Society - Researching Maybee and its many variants.

Please contact me using the link below if you know of other family web sites which should be added.
This page, created and maintained by Andy Patterson

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