Sunny Bank's Weather
Past Records
These pages are a chronicle of Sunny Bank's Weather. They are designed to give those living outside Gaspe a peek at local conditions, and help we Gaspesians remember what our weather has been like. Please note that I have done most of the recording myself, with the help of a few friends while I am on vacation, so they are not official. Temperature is taken daily from an electronic registering thermometer. Lows are the overnight low, for the previous night. Rainfall is measured with an inexpensive rain gauge, and snowfall is measured with a ruler. Nothing fancy!
It may also be worthy of note that Sunny Bank experiences more temperature extremes than areas near the water. Though a mere 8 km inland, summer highs are often 5 °C warmer and inversely it is often 5 °C colder during the night. Daily extremes can also be 3 to 5 °C different than other nearby areas as well.
These records should become increasingly more valuable with the passing of time, if I have the fortitude to stick with it. Hopefully someone will derive some benefit from them!
Check also my "Signs of Spring"
This page created and maintained by Andy
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